

Professional Glaucoma Surgery by Dr. Rosen



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Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)

Is a collection of minimally invasive procedures designed to lower eye pressure in glaucoma patients.

Dr. Jonathan Leon Rosen offers advanced Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) for patients seeking effective glaucoma management with minimal recovery time. With his expertise in ophthalmic surgery, Dr. Rosen utilizes cutting-edge MIGS techniques to safely reduce intraocular pressure, thereby preserving vision while enhancing patient comfort.

‍Understanding glaucoma

Glaucoma is an irreversible condition where the optic nerve, which helps your brain form a picture for you to see, becomes damaged by a buildup of pressure in the eye. It can lead to a loss of vision and ultimately, blindness. So, it’s important to treat early.

Not all surgery is the same

Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, better known as MIGS, may be safer and less invasive than traditional glaucoma surgery. “Minimally invasive” means that tiny incisions and/or microscopic equipment are used. These procedures are generally safer compared to traditionally invasive surgery.

As a MIGS procedure, the OMNI Surgical system helps restore the natural flow of fluid from the eye to lower pressure and reduce damage to the optic nerve without a large incision.

Take control of glaucoma with the OMNI Surgical system

How does the OMNI Surgical System work?

Glaucoma is similar to a clog in the kitchen sink. When the eye’s natural drainage system is blocked, intraocular pressure (IOP) rises, leading to optic nerve damage and vision problems as serious as blindness.

The OMNI Surgical system helps unclog the sink, or relieve the pressure buildup in the eye, removing blockages by addressing all three points where blockages can occur so that fluid drains more easily from the eye. Less resistance to fluid leaving the eyes means less pressure on the optic nerve. Keeping pressure down may be key to preventing further damage to the optic nerve and your vision.

Just like a clogged sink, a blockage can occur at several points of your eye’s natural drainage system.

The OMNI Surgical system improves the natural flow of fluid at all points with a safe and simple procedure.

Drain Cover – Point 1

OMNI removes the specialized tissue that can act like a clogged drain cover.

Sink Pipe – Point 2

OMNI enlarges the drainage canal, creating more room and relieving pressure inside the eye.

House Plumbing – Point 3

OMNI delivers a safe, unique fluid (called viscoelastic) to the channel to clear the plumbing.

Minimal surgery, maximum benefit

If your doctor considers you a candidate, the OMNI Surgical System offers may benefits:

  • Implant-free procedure
  • Safe, simple and minimally invasive
  • May reduce or end the use of drops
  • Can be done at the same time as cataract surgery with no added recovery time.
  • Can be performed as a solo procedure with minimal recovery time (similar to cataract surgery)

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